When searching for a “locksmith near me” you will find list of them on google, how do you know which one to choose to make your new car key?
Car keys over the past century and how they work
How do car keys work?
It may sound like a very strange question to ask, but it’s quite an interesting one when you think about it more. Keeping in mind that positively everything that exists today was designed by someone during the last century, if not before then, is quite crazy.
Each little device, including something as simple as a sharpener or cooking strainer, was designed to perform a task by someone who had the ability to imagine what a knife or a microwave or even something as seemingly insignificant as a car key could do.
This is just one reason why we have raised the following questions.
How does they work? Where does they come from? How have car keys developed over the last century?
Different Types of Car Key Systems
We all know about the standard key that is used to lock and unlock any door, such
as our office, our house’s front door or any other traditional lock you come across.
These keys are usually made from some type of metal and work by simply turning a
The other, more technologically advanced car key is the remote keyless system,
which consists of an electronic lock. Cars today are all made with a remote keyless
system, which is controlled by a keypad that if pointed close to the driver’s door, will
open or lock a door. This keypad is self-programmed and even has hidden-touch-
activating keypads.
These remote keyless systems are also known as RKS or keyless entry systems.
These are best known as remote central locking systems.
This RKS works by using an electronic remote control, such as a key. This key is
activated by a “key”, a handheld device with buttons on it. These keys are commonly
used for automobiles and are far more useful than traditional keys.
The History of Where Car Keys Came From
“I’ve lost my car keys”. What an incredible inconvenience to think about let alone
Even though it seems like cars have been around forever, it really hasn’t been that
long. Some of the first car keys, traditional of course, were designed in the late
1940s by popular car brands, which included Chrysler, Ford, Chevrolet, and Jaguar,
just to name a few.
In fact, Chrysler was the first car brand to ever design a car key. The car key,
however, did require pushing a button, which engaged the starter. Ford followed with
its double-sided key, which till this very day is still used in cars. Chevrolet followed
with its coded resistor, which supported its vehicle anti-theft system.
After that, the famous 1987 Cadillac Allante followed the Jaguar, Lexus, and Mercedes-Benz with a fancy switchblade key. Integrated with the best technology at the time, it safe to say that the rest is history.
Today, thanks to the innovation in the 1980s, the keyless entry system reigns. In the
1980s, more car brands adopted the famous keypad system, with some having two
buttons and others having as many as four to five buttons. Some keys are in fact, so
intricate, that they have one button to open each car door. Most keyless remotes
today also contain a radio transmitter, which operates at a short distance of five to
twenty meters. The radio transmitter sends coded signals via radio waves to its
receiver (the car).
With the press of a button, the car is signaled to either unlock or lock. One of the
most impressive keys yet, designed by Tesla, allows the car to be unlocked with a
phone which, unfortunately puts all the other keys to shame. This locking/unlocking
system can be used with Bluetooth when the smart phone is charged. When it dies,
however, you can use your phone as a credit card to swipe-unlock your door.
Pretty cool, hmm?
What Should You Do When You’ve Lost Your Car Keys?
It can happen to any of us. If you only have one set of car keys, even though its
risky, you still think to yourself that there is no way you will lose it.
The idea of losing your only set of car keys, however, is quite frightening, especially
when you lose it while you’re out and about. Keeping a spare key on you, to unlock
your car, is thus the responsible thing to do.
what should you do when you lose your set of keys?
The simplest option You could call a locksmith,
as a professional will drive out to your car
to salvage the problem at hand.
If you’re looking for a locksmith in Phoenix, you’re in luck. We provide locksmith
services in and around the Phoenix area.
So, before you call just any car locksmith or panic, which is something you should
avoid doing, feel free to make use of our services.
Why you should keep a spare car key around
Even though it seems unnecessary to have two, or perhaps even three car keys
lying around, it is very necessary. This is especially true for those that have busy
lives and may lose their car keys more easily.
When this happens, you don’t want to be left in the hot water. However, if it does
happen, our car key locksmith services will be happy and able to assist you.